Word Count Wednesday (5/17/17)
What am I working on?
Oh my gosh I cannot believe it's the end of the semester! Does the writing stop from here? No way! With a renewed sense of inspiration I am planning to continue with my story about the star and the assassin and will try to post on my blog as often as possible. I'm also planning to elaborate on my In Media Res story about the viking who gets cursed by the gods as well as making a map for it.
Word Count: 5,005 (A new record for the semester!)
How do I feel about the process?
I feel really good about it all, i've seemed to come out of my writing slump and I feel determined to finish. This semester really rekindled my love of writing and has given me a dream of one day getting a book or two published. Thank you Bradford :) You have been absolutely wonderful throughout this entire semester and I want to thank you for all of your positivity and kind words. You are the eternal happy daffodil of Moorpark. Have a great summer and I wish you the best on your new book.
What am I reading now?
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
(I've been waiting all year to read this baby! Woooohooo)
On Writing by Stephen King
I have always wanted to be an eternally happy daffodil! Thank you so much! Let's keep writing! Do the work and amazing things happen.